Lumenette is a new musical project from Christine Byrd (Hammock contributor and wife of musician Mark Byrd). ā€œIā€™m a Sensory Explosionā€ is the first Hammock single to credit Lumenette as a cowriter. The song is a beautiful, elegiac exploration of opening your senses to the sometimes overwhelming weight of the natural world. The textures of the song are soothingly familiar to long-time Hammock devotees and Christineā€™s vocals add a traditional 4AD/shoegaze sound. Perhaps the track is best listened to on a cloudy, rainy day.

This is a promising taste of what is to come from Lumenette. The new musical project will certainly bear some of the hallmarks of the Hammock sound. Iā€™m eagerly anticipating the full album.

Lumenetteā€™s first long-player, All Around My Head, will be released on 8/12/2022. The first proper single is due out this month, on 6/17.