I wanted to let everyone know that there have been some changes to the blog. Frosted Echoes has gone back to being self-hosted in order to get the capability to expand the vision of the site a bit. I was bouncing back and forth between Ghost Pro and Micro.blog and both were a bit limiting in their own ways. Self-hosting a blog is more work, but it's worth it to someone as particular about blogging as I am.

Things will be up and running here and image content filled in shortly. Week on the Web newsletters will be continued here, as well. Don't adjust your TV sets, but please do adjust your RSS readers and bookmarks, as I've finally done something I've wanted to do for a while — changed the domain name to Frostedechoes.net. The .net TLD makes a lot more sense for the blog than .com, since the site is not in any way a commercial enterprise. I'll put a redirect in place for a while. I will continue to post on Micro.blog, because I like the tools for adding a bit of social to the blogging experience and the community is great.

This has been an exciting weekend for me as I got various pieces of the self-hosting puzzle in place. I hope to keep sharing interesting material, mainly around the topics of faith, noise and tech. Thanks for reading Frosted Echoes and being with me on this journey.